Category: Fill Of The Week

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #86

    This week’s drum fill takes a common idea – 3 note groupings – and applies it to 16th notes. Check it out. The part of this drum fill you may find tricky, is that it starts with the Left Hand. Drum fills starting with the left hand can open up the kit for you in…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #85

    Drum fill of the week #85 takes fill of the week #84 and asks the question… triplets? For this drum fill we’re using the same 5 note pattern that we used in drum fill of the week #84 but we’re applying it over the 8th note triplet subdivision. Let’s get to it. Learn The Fill…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #84

    This week’s fill takes a 5 note pattern for a spin around the kit… starting with…. the LEFT HAND!!!!!!!!!!! Try not to panic! Five note groupings can sound very musical when applied around the kit. You just need to find the right 5 note pattern and accent it the right way. It’s a matter of…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #83

    This week’s drum fill sees us take the inverted paradiddle out for spin around the kit. Watch Drum Fill Of The Week #83 on Instagram. The inverted paradiddle is easily one of my favourite rudiments; when accented and combined with other members of the paraddidle family it creates some great sticking patterns that can be…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #82

    Space: the final frontier and often sorely lacking in drum fills on instagram… but not this week! Watch drum fill of the week #82 on instagram This week’s drum fill is a simple one. But simple fills are often the most musical ones. Most memorable drum fills are simple. Everyone knows Jeff Pocaro’s drum fill…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #81

    This week’s drum fill is a tried and trusted drum fill that works great when you’re rocking out! Simple, but effective. Watch Drum Fill Of The Week #81 on instagram This drum fill is what I’d call a partial groove fill. It keeps the 8th note flow going on the hi-hat until the “&” of…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #80

    This week’s drum fill has a bit of an accent. Check it out! Watch drum fill of the week #80 on Instagram. This week’s drum fill takes a 16th note accent pattern and orchestrates it around the kit. The challenge here is to keep the snare drum notes nice and soft and to bring out…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #79

    It’s time for some fast tom fun. Watch drum fill of the week #79 on Instagram This week’s drum fill can be considered a back beat fill. That is, it keeps the snare drum on beats 2 & 4 happening during the drum fill. This is a very musical way of playing drum fills and…

  • Drum Fill Of The Week #78

    It’s 2021! Happy New Year! Here’s a fill featuring 21 notes. Enjoy! Watch drum fill of the week #78 on instagram This week’s drum fill crams 21 notes into a bar of 4/4 by using 16th note and 8th note triplets. For more fun with 16th note triplets check out drum fill of the week…

  • Fill Of The Week #77

    Drum Fill #77: Revenge of the 5 note group… Watch at your peril! Watch drum fill #77 on instagram This week’s drum fill uses our old friend, the 5 note grouping. We’ve done several fills with this pattern already, hopefully you’re getting good at it now! The last time we tried 5 note groups was…

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