Groove Of The Week #34

This week’s groove features a 6 stroke roll, a double paradiddle, and an inverted paradiddle. What more could you ask for?

Groove of the week #34 is a funky syncopated 16th note groove. We’re using two rudiments which are normally found in 16th note triplet form, but we’re converting them to 16th notes. Both of those rudiments are 6 notes in length, so to complete a bar of 16th notes I added an inverted paradiddle on the end. Let’s get to learning.

Get The Groove

This groove starts out with a 6 stroke roll (RLLRRL) which is followed up by a double paradiddle (RLRLRR) and finally an Inverted paradiddle (LRRL). Let’s start out by getting comfortable with that sticking pattern.

Basic sticking pattern
Basic Sticking Pattern

Once you can play the pattern easily, the next step is to split the hands between hi-hat and snare.

split the hands up
Split your hands up

Once you’re comfortable with that, the next step is to add in the dynamics. I ghost all of the snare notes except for the “e” of 2 and beat 4 – I rim shot those two notes.

add the ghosts
Beware of the ghosts

The final step is to add the bass drum. You can put the bass drum where ever you like, I kept it simple on this groove. It’s on beat 1, beat 3 and the “&” of 3 – all of them occur together with the Right hand.

The full groove
The full groove

Take It Further

Rather than take this groove further, I think it’s better to split it up. From any busy groove like this you can take pieces of it and use them in other grooves. You might find more applications for them and find they help you to create new variations of your grooves.

So first up, lets take the 16th note version of the 6 stroke roll and add it to other grooves. As in Groove #34, the 6 stroke roll can be used to give you an accented snare on the “e” of 2 or the “e” of 4 – depending on where you start it. Try these two variations:

6 stroke roll variations
6 strokes of fun

Now let’s play with the double paradiddle. First we’ll keep it in the same position as Groove #34 – starting on the “&” of 2. We’ll accent the snare drum after it on beat 4 to provide us with the back beat. Then we’ll start with the double paradlddle on beat 1; if we accent the snare drum after it this time, we’ll have an accented snare on the “&” of 2 which will give us a funky syncopated groove.

double paradiddle variations
Double trouble.

I’ll let you take the inverted paradiddle and experiment with including that into your regular grooves.

I hope you’ve enjoyed groove of the week #34. If you’re in Singapore and you’d like a free trial drum lesson, send us a message on the Contact Us page.